Paper Review: The AI Scientist: Automating Machine Learning Research from Idea Generation to Manuscript Preparation

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Traditional approaches
  4. The AI Scientist
  5. Automated Paper Reviewing
  6. In-Depth Case Study
  7. Experiments
  8. Related Work
  9. Limitations & Ethical Considerations
  10. Discussion
  11. Conclusions

Overall Summary


This research paper introduces "The AI Scientist," a novel framework that leverages large language models (LLMs) to automate the entire scientific discovery process in machine learning, from generating research ideas to writing complete scientific papers. The system was applied to three distinct areas of machine learning: diffusion modeling, transformer-based language modeling, and learning dynamics, and its generated papers were evaluated by an automated LLM-based reviewer. The results demonstrate the potential of this framework to democratize research and accelerate scientific progress.

Key Findings

  • The AI Scientist successfully generated complete research papers, including mathematical descriptions, experimental details, results, and future work sections, at a cost of less than $15 per paper.
  • The automated reviewer, trained on ICLR 2022 OpenReview data, exhibited near-human performance in evaluating paper quality, achieving 70% accuracy and surpassing human F1 scores.
  • Claude Sonnet 3.5 consistently produced the highest quality papers among the tested LLMs, followed by GPT-4o, while open-weight models like DeepSeek Coder and Llama-3.1 405b exhibited lower performance.
  • The AI Scientist demonstrated the ability to explore diverse research directions and generate novel ideas in diffusion modeling, language modeling, and grokking analysis.
  • The system exhibited certain pathologies, such as lack of justification for design choices, hallucination of experimental details, and positive interpretation of negative results, highlighting the need for human oversight and further development.


  • The research introduces a novel and ambitious framework for fully automating scientific discovery in machine learning, pushing the boundaries of AI-driven research.
  • The system was thoroughly evaluated across multiple LLMs and research domains, providing a comprehensive assessment of its capabilities and limitations.
  • The paper provides a detailed description of the system's architecture and workflow, allowing for reproducibility and further development by the research community.
  • The authors acknowledge the ethical considerations and potential risks associated with automated scientific discovery, promoting responsible development and deployment of such systems.
  • The research highlights the potential of LLMs to democratize research and accelerate scientific progress by significantly reducing the cost and time required for conducting research.

Areas for Improvement

  • Further research is needed to address the identified pathologies, such as hallucination of experimental details and positive interpretation of negative results, potentially through incorporating human feedback or developing more robust verification mechanisms.
  • The system's reliance on existing code templates and datasets could be addressed by exploring methods for generating novel code and datasets, enabling more open-ended and exploratory research.
  • The evaluation could be expanded to include a wider range of research domains and LLMs, providing a more comprehensive assessment of the system's generalizability and performance.

Significant Elements

  • Figure 1: A flow diagram illustrating the workflow of "The AI Scientist," outlining the three main phases: Idea Generation, Experiment Iteration, and Paper Write-Up.
  • Table 1: A table comparing the performance of human reviewers and various configurations of the AI reviewer on 500 ICLR 2022 papers, demonstrating the effectiveness of the automated reviewing system.


The AI Scientist represents a significant advancement in AI-driven scientific discovery, offering the potential to democratize research and accelerate progress. While current limitations exist, future advancements in foundation models and the incorporation of human feedback promise to further enhance the system's capabilities and address ethical concerns. This research opens up exciting possibilities for the future of scientific discovery, raising important questions about the role of AI in shaping scientific knowledge and innovation.



This research paper introduces "The AI Scientist," a novel framework designed to fully automate scientific discovery in machine learning. The system leverages frontier large language models (LLMs) to generate research ideas, write code, execute experiments, visualize results, and compose scientific papers, mimicking the human scientific process. The AI Scientist then subjects these papers to a simulated peer review process using an automated reviewer, also powered by LLMs. The authors demonstrate the system's capabilities by applying it to three distinct areas of machine learning: diffusion modeling, transformer-based language modeling, and learning dynamics. Each research project culminated in a full scientific paper generated at a cost of less than \$15 per paper. The automated reviewer, trained on ICLR 2022 OpenReview data, exhibited near-human performance in evaluating paper quality, suggesting the potential of this framework to democratize research and accelerate scientific progress.


  • The abstract effectively highlights the novelty and ambition of the research, introducing a fully automated system for scientific discovery.

    'This paper presents the first comprehensive framework for fully automatic scientific discovery, enabling frontier large language models (LLMs) to perform research independently and communicate their findings.'p. 1
  • The abstract clearly outlines the key components and workflow of the AI Scientist, providing a concise overview of the system's functionality.

    'We introduce The AI Scientist, which generates novel research ideas, writes code, executes experiments, visualizes results, describes its findings by writing a full scientific paper, and then runs a simulated review process for evaluation.'p. 1
  • The abstract emphasizes the potential impact of the research, suggesting its ability to democratize research and accelerate scientific progress.

    'This approach signifies the beginning of a new era in scientific discovery in machine learning: bringing the transformative benefits of AI agents to the entire research process of AI itself, and taking us closer to a world where endless affordable creativity and innovation can be unleashed on the world’s most challenging problems.'p. 1

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the abstract mentions the application to three machine learning subfields, it could briefly mention specific examples of novel insights or findings generated by the AI Scientist. This would provide a more concrete sense of the system's capabilities.

  • The abstract could briefly mention the limitations and ethical considerations of the approach, acknowledging the potential challenges associated with fully automated scientific discovery.



The introduction of this research paper establishes the context and motivation for developing "The AI Scientist," a fully automated framework for scientific discovery in machine learning. The authors begin by acknowledging the significance of the traditional scientific method in driving human progress while highlighting its inherent limitations due to human cognitive and temporal constraints. They then discuss prior attempts to automate AI research, noting that previous approaches focused on accelerating specific parts of the research pipeline rather than achieving complete automation. The paper emphasizes the need for a system that can independently execute entire research endeavors, from ideation to communication of findings. The authors introduce "The AI Scientist" as a novel framework designed to address this challenge, leveraging the capabilities of frontier large language models (LLMs) to perform various research tasks, including idea generation, code writing, experiment execution, result visualization, and scientific paper composition. They highlight the system's potential to democratize research by significantly reducing costs and accelerating the pace of scientific progress. The authors also acknowledge the broader applicability of this approach beyond machine learning, suggesting its potential in other scientific disciplines given appropriate automation tools for conducting experiments. The introduction concludes by outlining the paper's key contributions, which include the development of the end-to-end framework for automated scientific discovery, the introduction of an LLM-based reviewing process for evaluating generated papers, and the demonstration of the system's capabilities through application to three distinct machine learning subfields.


  • The introduction effectively establishes the context and significance of the research problem by highlighting the limitations of the traditional scientific method and the need for automation in scientific discovery.

    'However, this iterative process is inherently limited by human researchers’ ingenuity, background knowledge, and finite time.'p. 1
  • The introduction provides a clear and concise overview of previous work in AI research automation, acknowledging the contributions of earlier approaches while emphasizing the novelty of the proposed framework in achieving full automation.

    'To date, the community has yet to show the possibility of executing entire research endeavors without human involvement.'p. 1
  • The introduction clearly articulates the potential impact of "The AI Scientist" in democratizing research and accelerating scientific progress, emphasizing the system's cost-effectiveness and scalability.

    'Each idea is implemented and developed into a full paper at a meager cost of less than $15 per paper, illustrating the potential for our framework to democratize research and significantly accelerate scientific progress.'p. 1

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the introduction mentions the application to three machine learning subfields, it could briefly elaborate on the specific challenges and opportunities within each subfield that motivate the use of "The AI Scientist." This would provide a more nuanced understanding of the system's potential applications.

  • The introduction could briefly acknowledge the potential ethical considerations and societal implications of fully automated scientific discovery. This would demonstrate the authors' awareness of the broader impact of their research and encourage a more comprehensive discussion of these issues later in the paper.

Visual Elements Analysis

Figure 1

Type: Figure

Visual Type: Flow Diagram

Description: Figure 1 presents a flow diagram illustrating the workflow of "The AI Scientist." It is divided into three main stages: Idea Generation, Experiment Iteration, and Paper Write-Up. The Idea Generation stage begins with "LLM Idea/Plan Innovation," followed by a "Novelty Check" using Semantic Scholar archiving, and concludes with "Idea scoring/archiving." The Experiment Iteration stage involves an iterative loop starting with an "Experiment Template." "Code Δ" is generated via an LLM and aider, which is used in "Experiments" to generate "Numerical Data/Plots." Based on these results, the "Update Plan" step adjusts the experiment, and the loop can repeat. The Paper Write-Up stage starts with a "Manuscript Template." "Text Δ" is generated via an LLM and aider, resulting in a "Manuscript." Finally, an "LLM Paper Reviewing" step provides feedback. Arrows connect the steps within each stage and show the overall flow from Idea Generation to Experiment Iteration and finally to Paper Write-Up.

Relevance: Figure 1 is highly relevant to the introduction as it provides a visual overview of the proposed "AI Scientist" framework. It effectively complements the textual description by illustrating the system's key components and their interactions, giving readers a clearer understanding of the automated scientific discovery process.

Visual Critique

Appropriateness: The use of a flow diagram is highly appropriate for depicting the workflow of "The AI Scientist." It effectively visualizes the sequential and iterative nature of the process, allowing readers to easily follow the flow of information and tasks within the system.

  • Clear and logical organization of stages and steps
  • Effective use of color to distinguish different stages
  • Concise and informative labels for each step
  • Clear arrows indicating the flow of information and tasks
Suggestions for Improvement
  • Consider adding a brief legend explaining the color scheme used for different stages
  • Include a short description of the tools or technologies used in each step (e.g., LLM, Aider, Semantic Scholar) to provide more context

Detailed Critique

Analysis Of Presented Data: Figure 1 does not present any quantitative data but effectively visualizes the qualitative aspects of the "AI Scientist" workflow. It clearly outlines the steps involved in each stage, highlighting the iterative nature of experiment execution and the feedback loop between results and plan updates.

Statistical Methods: As Figure 1 is a flow diagram representing a process, statistical methods are not applicable in this context.

Assumptions And Limitations: The flow diagram implicitly assumes the successful execution of each step, which may not always be the case in practice. The figure does not explicitly address potential failure modes or limitations of the system.

Improvements And Alternatives: The figure could be enhanced by incorporating visual cues to represent potential failure points or alternative paths within the workflow. This would provide a more realistic depiction of the system's operation and potential challenges.

Consistency And Comparisons: Figure 1 is consistent with the textual description of "The AI Scientist" in the introduction, providing a complementary visual representation of the system's workflow.

Sample Size And Reliability: Sample size and reliability are not applicable to Figure 1 as it is a conceptual diagram representing a process.

Interpretation And Context: Figure 1 effectively conveys the key concepts and processes of the "AI Scientist" framework, providing a visual roadmap for understanding the automated scientific discovery process.

Confidence Rating: 5

Confidence Explanation: I am highly confident in my analysis of Figure 1 as it is a clear and well-structured flow diagram that accurately reflects the textual description of the "AI Scientist" workflow.

Traditional approaches


This section delves into the limitations of traditional approaches to automating research, highlighting their reliance on constrained search spaces and the need for substantial human expertise. It contrasts these methods with the proposed AI Scientist, emphasizing the latter's ability to achieve open-ended discovery and encompass the entire research process, from ideation to manuscript preparation. The section argues that previous automation efforts, while valuable, have been limited to specific aspects of research, such as hyperparameter optimization or algorithm discovery within predefined parameters. It cites examples from materials discovery and synthetic biology where AI has accelerated progress but within carefully defined domains. The section concludes by acknowledging the potential of LLMs to expand the search space for solutions but emphasizes the need for a framework that transcends rigorously defined objectives and enables broader, more profound scientific discoveries.


  • The section effectively contrasts traditional approaches with the proposed AI Scientist, highlighting the limitations of constrained search spaces and the need for a more open-ended framework.

    'Traditional approaches to automating research projects have so far relied on carefully constraining the search space of potential discoveries, which severely limits the scope of exploration and requires substantial human expertise and design.'p. 2
  • The section provides specific examples from materials discovery and synthetic biology to illustrate the limitations of traditional AI-driven research automation.

    'For example, significant advancements in materials discovery (Merchant et al., 2023; Pyzer-Knapp et al., 2022) and synthetic biology (Hayes et al., 2024; Jumper et al., 2021) have been achieved by restricting exploration to well-characterized domains with predefined parameters, which allows for targeted progress but limits broader, open-ended discovery and addressing only a subset of the scientific process, without encompassing tasks such as manuscript preparation.'p. 2
  • The section acknowledges the potential of LLMs to expand the search space for solutions but emphasizes the need for a framework that goes beyond predefined objectives.

    'Recent advances in LLMs have shown the potential to extend the search space to more generalized, code-level solutions (Faldor et al., 2024; Lehman et al., 2022; Lu et al., 2024a; Ma et al., 2023). However, these approaches remain constrained by rigorously-defined search spaces and objectives, which limit the breadth and depth of possible discoveries.'p. 2

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the section mentions hyperparameter and architecture search, it could briefly elaborate on the specific limitations of these techniques in the context of open-ended scientific discovery. This would provide a more nuanced understanding of the challenges the AI Scientist aims to address.

  • The section could briefly discuss the role of human intuition and creativity in traditional scientific discovery and how the AI Scientist attempts to emulate or complement these aspects. This would provide a more balanced perspective on the relationship between human and AI-driven research.

The AI Scientist


This section delves into the inner workings of "The AI Scientist," providing a detailed explanation of its three main phases: Idea Generation, Experiment Iteration, and Paper Write-Up. The section highlights the system's reliance on a starting code template, which serves as a foundation for exploration and modification. The Idea Generation phase involves brainstorming novel research directions, inspired by evolutionary computation and open-endedness research. The system leverages LLMs to generate ideas, assess their novelty using Semantic Scholar, and iteratively refine them through chain-of-thought and self-reflection techniques. The Experiment Iteration phase focuses on implementing and executing the proposed experiments. The AI Scientist utilizes Aider, an LLM-based coding assistant, to plan and execute experiments, iteratively adjusting the code based on results and generating visualizations. The Paper Write-Up phase involves generating a scientific manuscript in LaTeX format. Aider is employed to fill in a conference template section by section, incorporating experimental results, generating references using Semantic Scholar, and refining the text through self-reflection. The section emphasizes the system's ability to generate comprehensive papers, including mathematical descriptions, experimental details, results, and future work sections. It also acknowledges the presence of certain pathologies, such as lack of justification for design choices, hallucination of experimental details, and positive interpretation of negative results.


  • The section provides a clear and detailed explanation of the three main phases of "The AI Scientist," outlining the specific steps involved in each phase and how they interact to achieve automated scientific discovery.

    'The AI Scientist has three main phases (Figure 1): (1) Idea Generation, (2) Experimental Iteration, and (3) Paper Write-up.'p. 4
  • The section highlights the use of Aider, an LLM-based coding assistant, to automate various tasks within the Experiment Iteration and Paper Write-Up phases, emphasizing the system's ability to implement and execute experiments, generate visualizations, and write coherent text.

    'The AI Scientist uses Aider to first plan a list of experiments to run and then executes them in order.'p. 4
  • The section acknowledges the limitations and potential pathologies of the system, such as the tendency to hallucinate experimental details and interpret negative results positively, demonstrating the authors' awareness of the challenges associated with fully automated scientific discovery.

    'The paper claims that V100 GPUs were used, even though the agent couldn't have known the actual hardware used.'p. 10

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the section mentions the use of a starting code template, it could provide more details about the specific content and structure of these templates, as well as how they are chosen or adapted for different research domains. This would give readers a better understanding of the system's starting point and the scope of its exploration.

  • The section could elaborate on the criteria used for evaluating the novelty of generated ideas during the Idea Generation phase. While it mentions the use of Semantic Scholar, it could discuss the specific metrics or thresholds used to determine whether an idea is sufficiently novel to pursue. This would provide more transparency into the system's decision-making process.

  • The section could discuss the strategies employed to mitigate the identified pathologies, such as hallucination of experimental details and positive interpretation of negative results. This would demonstrate the authors' efforts to address these challenges and improve the system's reliability.

Automated Paper Reviewing


This section introduces an automated paper reviewing system powered by GPT-4o, designed to mimic the peer review process in scientific communities. The system evaluates papers based on NeurIPS conference guidelines, providing numerical scores for various aspects like soundness, presentation, contribution, and overall quality. It also generates lists of strengths and weaknesses and a preliminary decision to accept or reject. The system's performance is evaluated on 500 ICLR 2022 papers from the OpenReview dataset, comparing it to human reviewers and other foundation models. The results show that the GPT-4o-based reviewer achieves 70% accuracy, surpassing human F1 scores and matching human AUC when thresholding decisions at a specific score. The section further explores the impact of different prompt configurations on reviewer performance, finding that self-reflection and one-shot prompting significantly improve accuracy. The analysis also reveals that the automated reviewer aligns more closely with the average human reviewer score than individual human reviewers align with each other, suggesting its potential for providing valuable feedback and contributing to a more robust evaluation process. The section concludes by highlighting the cost-effectiveness of the automated reviewer and comparing its performance to other foundation models like Claude Sonnet 3.5 and GPT-4o-mini.


  • The section clearly explains the design and functionality of the automated paper reviewing system, outlining its evaluation criteria and decision-making process.

    'To mimic such a process using large language models, we design a GPT-4o-based agent (OpenAI, 2023) to conduct paper reviews based on the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) conference review guidelines.'p. 5
  • The section provides a thorough evaluation of the automated reviewer's performance, comparing it to human reviewers and other foundation models using multiple metrics.

    'To evaluate the LLM-based reviewer’s performance, we compared the artificially generated decisions with ground truth data for 500 ICLR 2022 papers extracted from the publicly available OpenReview dataset (Berto, 2024).'p. 6
  • The section explores the impact of different prompt configurations on reviewer performance, providing insights into how to optimize the system's accuracy and reliability.

    'We compare various prompt configurations for GPT-4o and find that both Reflexion (+2%) and one-shot prompting (+2%) substantially help with performing more accurate reviewing (Figure 2, top and bottom-right).'p. 7

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the section mentions the use of ICLR 2022 papers for evaluation, it could discuss the potential limitations of using older data, especially considering the rapid evolution of LLMs. It could also address the potential for the model to have encountered this data during pre-training, which might inflate performance estimates.

    'The dataset used, from ICLR 2022, is old enough to potentially appear in the base model pre-training data - this is a hard claim to test in practice since typical publicly available LLMs do not share their training data.'p. 17
  • The section could elaborate on the criteria used for selecting the few-shot examples and discuss how different choices might affect reviewer performance. It could also explore the use of more sophisticated techniques for selecting or generating few-shot examples, such as active learning or prompt engineering.

  • The section could discuss the potential biases and limitations of the automated reviewer, particularly in terms of its ability to evaluate novelty and originality. It could also explore strategies for mitigating these biases, such as incorporating human feedback or developing more robust metrics for assessing these aspects.

Visual Elements Analysis

Table 1

Type: Table

Visual Type: Table

Description: Table 1 presents the performance of various reviewers, including human and AI-based, on 500 ICLR 2022 papers. The table compares reviewers based on metrics like Balanced Accuracy, Accuracy, F1 Score, AUC, False Positive Rate (FPR), and False Negative Rate (FNR). The human reviewer achieved a balanced accuracy of 0.66, accuracy of 0.73, F1 score of 0.49, AUC of 0.65, FPR of 0.17, and FNR of 0.52. The best performing AI reviewer, a calibrated GPT-4o with a threshold of 6, achieved a balanced accuracy of 0.65, accuracy of 0.66, F1 score of 0.57, AUC of 0.65, FPR of 0.31, and FNR of 0.39. Other AI reviewers, including Sonnet 3.5 and GPT-4o-mini, with various configurations, showed lower performance across most metrics. Random decision and always reject baselines are also included for comparison.

Relevance: Table 1 is highly relevant as it directly supports the section's claim that the automated LLM reviewing system can achieve near-human performance. It provides a quantitative comparison between human reviewers and various configurations of the AI reviewer, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Visual Critique

Appropriateness: The use of a table is appropriate for presenting the performance metrics of different reviewers. It allows for a clear and concise comparison of numerical values, making it easy for readers to understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

  • Clear and concise presentation of data
  • Well-defined headers and row labels
  • Use of bold font to highlight the best AI reviewer
  • Inclusion of confidence intervals for statistical rigor
Suggestions for Improvement
  • Consider adding a brief explanation of each metric in a footnote or caption for readers unfamiliar with evaluation terminology
  • Include a visual representation of the data, such as a bar chart, to complement the table and facilitate easier comparison of reviewer performance

Detailed Critique

Analysis Of Presented Data: The table presents a comprehensive set of metrics for evaluating reviewer performance. The best AI reviewer (calibrated GPT-4o with a threshold of 6) achieves comparable balanced accuracy and AUC to the human reviewer, while surpassing human performance in F1 score. This suggests that the AI reviewer is effective at identifying relevant papers while minimizing false negatives. However, it has a higher FPR compared to humans, indicating a tendency to accept lower-quality papers.

Statistical Methods: The use of mean and 95% bootstrap confidence intervals provides a robust estimate of reviewer performance and accounts for variability in the data. However, the section does not specify the number of bootstrap samples used, which would be helpful for assessing the reliability of the confidence intervals.

Assumptions And Limitations: The evaluation assumes that the ICLR 2022 OpenReview data represents a gold standard for paper quality. However, human reviews are inherently subjective and can vary in quality. The analysis also does not account for potential biases in the OpenReview data, such as reviewer expertise or topic preferences.

Improvements And Alternatives: The analysis could be strengthened by including a comparison to other automated reviewing systems or by evaluating the reviewer's performance on a more recent dataset of papers. Additionally, exploring the use of alternative evaluation metrics, such as inter-rater reliability or agreement with expert reviewers, could provide further insights into the system's strengths and limitations.

Consistency And Comparisons: Table 1 is consistent with the textual description of the automated reviewer's performance, providing quantitative evidence to support the claims made in the section. The comparison to human reviewers and other foundation models highlights the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Sample Size And Reliability: The sample size of 500 papers is reasonably large, providing a reliable estimate of reviewer performance. However, the section does not discuss the distribution of accepted and rejected papers in the dataset, which could affect the interpretation of the results.

Interpretation And Context: The results suggest that the automated LLM reviewing system can achieve near-human performance in evaluating paper quality. This has significant implications for the peer review process, potentially reducing workload for human reviewers and improving efficiency. However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of the system and the need for continued development and refinement.

Confidence Rating: 4

Confidence Explanation: I am confident in my analysis of Table 1 as it presents a comprehensive set of metrics and provides clear evidence to support the claims made in the section. However, the lack of details about the bootstrap procedure and the potential biases in the OpenReview data slightly reduce my confidence.

Figure 2

Type: Figure

Visual Type: Combination Chart

Description: Figure 2 consists of five sub-elements: three confusion matrices and two scatter plots. The confusion matrices compare the classification accuracy of different AI reviewer configurations (GPT-4.0, + 5 Reflect, + 5 Ensemble, +1 Shot) with human reviewers from OpenReview. The scatter plots show the correlation between reviewer scores. The first scatter plot compares the scores given by two human reviewers on OpenReview, showing a correlation of 0.14. The second scatter plot compares the average score of multiple OpenReview reviewers to the overall LLM score, showing a correlation of 0.18.

Relevance: Figure 2 provides visual evidence to support the claims made in the section regarding the performance of the automated paper reviewing system. The confusion matrices demonstrate the impact of different prompt configurations on classification accuracy, while the scatter plots highlight the system's ability to align with human reviewer scores.

Visual Critique

Appropriateness: The use of confusion matrices and scatter plots is appropriate for visualizing the data presented in Figure 2. Confusion matrices effectively display classification accuracy, while scatter plots are suitable for showing correlations between scores.

  • Clear and informative visualization of data
  • Effective use of color to distinguish different configurations
  • Inclusion of trend lines in scatter plots to highlight correlations
Suggestions for Improvement
  • Label the axes of the scatter plots for better clarity
  • Provide a legend for the confusion matrices to explain the color scale
  • Consider adding a brief explanation of each sub-element in the caption for readers unfamiliar with these types of visualizations

Detailed Critique

Analysis Of Presented Data: The confusion matrices show that adding reflection steps and one-shot prompting improves the AI reviewer's classification accuracy, bringing it closer to human performance. The scatter plots reveal that the AI reviewer's scores correlate more strongly with the average human score than individual human reviewers correlate with each other.

Statistical Methods: The figure does not explicitly mention any statistical methods used to generate the visualizations. However, the confusion matrices are based on counts of classified papers, and the scatter plots likely use Pearson correlation to assess the relationship between scores.

Assumptions And Limitations: The analysis assumes that the OpenReview data is representative of the broader peer review process. However, this dataset might have specific biases or limitations that could affect the generalizability of the findings. Additionally, the scatter plots do not account for potential non-linear relationships between scores.

Improvements And Alternatives: The analysis could be strengthened by including a statistical test to assess the significance of the observed correlations in the scatter plots. Additionally, exploring the use of alternative visualization techniques, such as box plots or violin plots, could provide further insights into the distribution of scores.

Consistency And Comparisons: Figure 2 is consistent with the data presented in Table 1 and the textual description of the automated reviewer's performance. The visualizations provide a complementary perspective on the system's strengths and limitations.

Sample Size And Reliability: The sample size of 500 papers is reasonably large, providing a reliable basis for the visualizations. However, the section does not discuss the distribution of papers across different research areas or topics, which could affect the interpretation of the results.

Interpretation And Context: Figure 2 visually demonstrates the effectiveness of the automated paper reviewing system in aligning with human reviewer decisions and providing valuable feedback. The visualizations support the claim that LLMs can play a significant role in automating and improving the peer review process.

Confidence Rating: 4

Confidence Explanation: I am confident in my analysis of Figure 2 as it provides clear and informative visualizations that support the claims made in the section. However, the lack of details about the statistical methods used and the potential biases in the OpenReview data slightly reduce my confidence.

In-Depth Case Study


This section provides an in-depth case study of a research paper titled "Adaptive Dual-Scale Denoising" generated by The AI Scientist when tasked with exploring diffusion modeling. It begins by presenting the AI-generated idea, which proposes a dual-branch denoiser network to capture both global structure and local details in 2D datasets. The section then showcases the generated code diff, highlighting the algorithmic changes implemented by the AI Scientist. It then presents a preview of the fully generated paper, emphasizing its strengths, such as a precise mathematical description, comprehensive experimental write-up, good empirical results, novel visualizations, and an interesting future work section. However, the section also acknowledges the paper's pathologies, including lack of justification for design choices, hallucination of experimental details, positive interpretation of negative results, artifacts from experimental logs, presentation of intermediate results, and minimal references. The section concludes by presenting the automated reviewer's feedback on the paper, which points out valid concerns like the use of simple 2D datasets and the increased computational cost of the proposed algorithm. The authors then offer their own expert commentary on the paper, acknowledging the AI Scientist's ability to identify an interesting research direction and implement it effectively, but also highlighting potential misinterpretations and the need for human oversight to guide future research directions.


  • The section provides a detailed walkthrough of the AI Scientist's process in generating a research paper, from idea generation to code implementation and paper write-up, allowing readers to understand the system's capabilities and limitations.

    'Before we present extensive experiments and metrics for The AI Scientist's generated papers in Section 6, we first visualize a representative sample from a run of the Th e A I Sc i e n t i s t which illustrates both its strengths and shortcomings, followed by a broader discussion of its potential.'p. 7
  • The section highlights both the strengths and weaknesses of the AI-generated paper, providing a balanced and critical assessment of the system's current capabilities.

    'We highlight specific things that were particularly impressive in the paper: • Precise Mathematical Description of the Algorithm. The algorithmic changes in the code above are described precisely, with new notation introduced where necessary, using LaTeX math packages. The overall training process is also described exactly.'p. 9
  • The section includes the automated reviewer's feedback on the generated paper, demonstrating the system's ability to provide critical evaluation and identify potential areas for improvement.

    'The automated reviewer points out valid concerns in the generated manuscript.'p. 10

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the section mentions the use of Claude Sonnet 3.5 as the base foundation model, it could briefly discuss the rationale for choosing this specific model and how it might have influenced the generated paper's quality.

  • The section could elaborate on the strategies employed to address the identified pathologies in the AI-generated paper, such as hallucination of experimental details and positive interpretation of negative results. This would demonstrate the authors' efforts to improve the system's reliability and scientific rigor.

  • The section could discuss the potential for incorporating human feedback into the AI Scientist's workflow to mitigate some of the identified limitations. This could involve human experts providing guidance on research directions, evaluating the novelty of generated ideas, or refining the paper's content and analysis.

Visual Elements Analysis

Figure 3

Type: Figure

Visual Type: Combination Chart

Description: Figure 3 presents a preview of the AI-generated paper titled "Adaptive Dual-Scale Denoising." The figure showcases various sections of the paper, including the title, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion. It highlights the paper's structure, content, and visual elements, such as figures and tables.

Relevance: Figure 3 is highly relevant to the case study as it provides a visual representation of the AI Scientist's output. It allows readers to assess the paper's overall quality, clarity, and adherence to scientific writing conventions.

Visual Critique

Appropriateness: The use of a figure to present a preview of the generated paper is appropriate as it allows for a quick overview of the paper's structure and content. However, the figure itself is a static image of the paper, which limits interactivity and detailed examination.

  • Provides a visual overview of the generated paper
  • Highlights key sections and visual elements
Suggestions for Improvement
  • Instead of a static image, consider using an interactive format that allows readers to zoom in on specific sections or elements
  • Provide a brief description of the key findings and insights presented in the paper within the figure caption

Detailed Critique

Analysis Of Presented Data: Figure 3 does not present any specific data points but showcases the qualitative aspects of the generated paper, such as its structure, writing style, and visual elements. It allows for a visual assessment of the paper's coherence and adherence to scientific writing conventions.

Statistical Methods: As Figure 3 is a preview of a generated paper, statistical methods are not directly applicable in this context.

Assumptions And Limitations: The figure assumes that the previewed sections are representative of the entire paper's quality and content. It does not provide insights into the paper's statistical rigor or the validity of its conclusions.

Improvements And Alternatives: The figure could be enhanced by including specific examples of data visualizations, tables, or key findings from the paper. This would provide a more informative and engaging preview.

Consistency And Comparisons: Figure 3 is consistent with the textual description of the generated paper, providing a visual representation of its key elements.

Sample Size And Reliability: Sample size and reliability are not applicable to Figure 3 as it is a preview of a single generated paper.

Interpretation And Context: Figure 3 provides a visual context for understanding the AI Scientist's capabilities in generating a complete research paper. It allows readers to assess the paper's overall presentation and clarity.

Confidence Rating: 3

Confidence Explanation: I am moderately confident in my analysis of Figure 3 as it provides a visual overview of the generated paper. However, the lack of specific data points and the static nature of the image limit the depth of analysis.



This section presents a comprehensive evaluation of "The AI Scientist" across three distinct machine learning templates: diffusion modeling, language modeling, and grokking analysis. The authors detail the experimental setup, including the use of 8 NVIDIA H100 GPUs, and the selection of various LLMs like Claude Sonnet 3.5, GPT-4o, DeepSeek Coder, and Llama-3.1 405b. For each template, they provide a general description, outline the code template used, and highlight specific generated papers that showcase the system's capabilities and limitations. The section includes tables summarizing the performance of different LLMs across various metrics, such as the number of novel ideas generated, successful experiments, completed papers, mean and maximum reviewer scores, and total cost. The authors observe that Claude Sonnet 3.5 consistently produces the highest quality papers, followed by GPT-4o, while open-weight models like DeepSeek Coder and Llama-3.1 405b exhibit lower performance. They acknowledge the challenges in comparing relative "novelty" due to self-assessment by each model and highlight common failure modes, such as the generation of similar ideas across runs and models, difficulties in implementing complex ideas, and occasional hallucination of results. The section concludes by emphasizing the cost-effectiveness of the system, producing papers at an approximate cost of \$10-15 per paper, and the potential for scaling the search and filtering process to further improve paper quality.


  • The section provides a detailed description of the experimental setup, including the hardware used, the LLMs evaluated, and the templates employed, allowing for a clear understanding of the research methodology.

    'We extensively evaluate The AI Scientist on three templates (as described in Section 3) across different publicly available LLMs: Claude Sonnet 3.5 (Anthropic, 2024), GPT-4o (OpenAI, 2023), DeepSeek Coder (Zhu et al., 2024), and Llama-3.1 405b (Llama Team, 2024).'p. 12
  • The section presents a comprehensive set of metrics for evaluating the performance of different LLMs, including the number of novel ideas, successful experiments, completed papers, and reviewer scores, providing a quantitative assessment of the system's capabilities.

    'We report the number of ideas that pass the automated novelty check, successfully complete experiments, and result in valid compilable manuscripts.'p. 13
  • The section highlights specific generated papers for each template, showcasing the diversity of research directions explored by "The AI Scientist" and providing concrete examples of its strengths and limitations.

    'Finally, we select and briefly analyze some of the generated papers, which are listed below.'p. 13

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the section mentions the use of a single 8x NVIDIA H100 node, it could discuss the potential benefits and challenges of scaling the system to a larger compute cluster. This would provide insights into the scalability of the approach and its potential for handling more complex research tasks.

  • The section could elaborate on the criteria used for selecting the highlighted generated papers and discuss how these criteria might influence the perceived quality of the system's output. It could also explore alternative methods for selecting or ranking generated papers, such as using human evaluation or more sophisticated metrics.

  • The section could discuss the potential for incorporating human feedback into the evaluation process to address the limitations of self-assessment by each model. This could involve human experts providing feedback on the novelty and quality of generated ideas or papers, potentially leading to a more robust and reliable evaluation framework.

Visual Elements Analysis

Table 2

Type: Table

Visual Type: Table

Description: Table 2 presents 10 selected papers generated by "The AI Scientist" across various research areas, including 2D Diffusion, NanoGPT, and Grokking. The table lists the paper titles and their corresponding scores, ranging from 3 to 5, presumably reflecting the quality or significance of the research. The table highlights the diversity of topics explored by the AI system and provides a glimpse into the potential for generating research papers across different domains.

Relevance: Table 2 is relevant to the section as it showcases the diversity of research topics explored by "The AI Scientist" and provides a glimpse into the potential for generating research papers across different domains. It supports the authors' claim that the system is capable of producing research across various subfields of machine learning.

Visual Critique

Appropriateness: The use of a table is appropriate for presenting the selected papers and their scores. It allows for a clear and concise presentation of textual information, making it easy for readers to scan and compare different papers.

  • Clear and concise presentation of data
  • Well-defined headers and row labels
  • Effective use of spacing to separate different categories
Suggestions for Improvement
  • Consider adding a brief description of each paper's main idea or contribution to provide more context
  • Include the specific LLM used to generate each paper to facilitate comparison across models

Detailed Critique

Analysis Of Presented Data: Table 2 presents a qualitative overview of the selected papers and their scores. It does not provide specific data points or statistical analysis but showcases the diversity of research directions explored by "The AI Scientist."

Statistical Methods: As Table 2 is a list of selected papers, statistical methods are not directly applicable in this context.

Assumptions And Limitations: The selection of papers and their scores might be subjective and influenced by the authors' criteria. The table does not provide insights into the overall distribution of scores or the selection process.

Improvements And Alternatives: The analysis could be enhanced by providing a more detailed description of the selection criteria and the distribution of scores across all generated papers. Additionally, including a comparison to human-generated papers on similar topics could provide a more objective assessment of the system's capabilities.

Consistency And Comparisons: Table 2 is consistent with the textual description of the experimental results, providing examples of generated papers across different research areas.

Sample Size And Reliability: Sample size and reliability are not applicable to Table 2 as it is a curated list of selected papers.

Interpretation And Context: Table 2 provides a glimpse into the potential of "The AI Scientist" to generate research papers across different domains. However, the lack of quantitative data and detailed analysis limits the interpretation of the results.

Confidence Rating: 2

Confidence Explanation: I am moderately confident in my analysis of Table 2 as it provides a qualitative overview of the selected papers. However, the lack of quantitative data and detailed analysis limits the depth of interpretation.

Table 3

Type: Table

Visual Type: Table

Description: Table 3 evaluates the performance of four different LLMs (Sonnet 3.5, GPT-4o, DeepSeek Coder, Llama-3.1 405b) on the task of generating papers related to Diffusion Modeling. The table presents data on the total number of ideas generated, novel ideas, successful experiments, completed papers, mean and maximum reviewer scores, and the total cost associated with each LLM. Sonnet 3.5 generated 51 ideas, 49 of which were deemed novel. It successfully completed experiments for 38 ideas and produced 38 complete papers with a mean score of 3.82 and a maximum score of 6.0. The total cost for Sonnet 3.5 was approximately \$250. GPT-4o generated 51 ideas, 41 of which were novel. It successfully completed experiments for 17 ideas and produced 16 complete papers with a mean score of 3.70 and a maximum score of 5.0. The total cost for GPT-4o was approximately \$300. DeepSeek Coder generated 51 ideas, 42 of which were novel. It successfully completed experiments for 32 ideas and produced 31 complete papers with a mean score of 3.32 and a maximum score of 5.0. The total cost for DeepSeek Coder was approximately \$10. Llama-3.1 405b generated 51 ideas, 31 of which were novel. It successfully completed experiments for 21 ideas and produced 21 complete papers with a mean score of 2.30 and a maximum score of 3.0. The total cost for Llama-3.1 405b was approximately \$120.

Relevance: Table 3 is highly relevant to the section as it provides a quantitative comparison of different LLMs' performance in generating papers related to Diffusion Modeling. It directly supports the authors' claims about the effectiveness of certain models (like Sonnet 3.5) and highlights the challenges faced by others (like GPT-4o in completing papers).

Visual Critique

Appropriateness: The use of a table is appropriate for presenting the quantitative data comparing different LLMs. It allows for a clear and concise presentation of numerical values, making it easy for readers to compare the performance of different models across various metrics.

  • Clear and concise presentation of data
  • Well-defined headers and row labels
  • Effective use of spacing to separate different models and metrics
Suggestions for Improvement
  • Consider adding a visual representation of the data, such as a bar chart, to complement the table and facilitate easier comparison of model performance
  • Provide a brief explanation of the scoring scale used for "Mean Score" and "Max Score" to enhance clarity

Detailed Critique

Analysis Of Presented Data: Table 3 presents a comprehensive set of metrics for evaluating the performance of different LLMs in generating Diffusion Modeling papers. Sonnet 3.5 emerges as the top performer, achieving the highest mean and maximum scores while also demonstrating a high rate of novel idea generation and experiment completion. GPT-4o, despite having a similar number of novel ideas, struggles to complete papers, potentially due to difficulties with LaTeX generation. DeepSeek Coder, while significantly cheaper, shows lower performance across most metrics. Llama-3.1 405b performs the worst overall, with the lowest mean and maximum scores.

Statistical Methods: The table does not explicitly mention any statistical methods used to analyze the data. However, it presents raw counts and mean scores, which provide a basic quantitative comparison of different models. The analysis could be strengthened by incorporating statistical tests to assess the significance of observed differences between models.

Assumptions And Limitations: The evaluation assumes that the automated novelty check and reviewer scores accurately reflect the quality and novelty of generated papers. However, these metrics might have inherent biases or limitations. The analysis also does not account for potential variations in the complexity or difficulty of different research ideas.

Improvements And Alternatives: The analysis could be enhanced by incorporating human evaluation of generated papers to complement the automated metrics. Additionally, exploring the use of alternative evaluation metrics, such as code quality, experimental rigor, or scientific contribution, could provide further insights into the strengths and limitations of different models.

Consistency And Comparisons: Table 3 is consistent with the textual description of the experimental results, providing quantitative evidence to support the claims made in the section. The comparison across different LLMs highlights the trade-offs between performance, cost, and model availability.

Sample Size And Reliability: The sample size of 51 ideas per model is reasonably large, providing a reliable basis for comparing model performance. However, the section does not discuss the distribution of ideas across different subtopics within Diffusion Modeling, which could affect the interpretation of the results.

Interpretation And Context: Table 3 suggests that Sonnet 3.5 is currently the most effective LLM for generating high-quality Diffusion Modeling papers, while open-weight models like DeepSeek Coder and Llama-3.1 405b show promise but require further development. The results highlight the importance of considering both performance and cost when choosing an LLM for automated scientific discovery.

Confidence Rating: 4

Confidence Explanation: I am confident in my analysis of Table 3 as it presents a comprehensive set of metrics and provides clear evidence to support the claims made in the section. However, the lack of statistical tests and the potential biases in the automated metrics slightly reduce my confidence.

Figure 4

Type: Figure

Visual Type: Violin Plots

Description: Figure 4 presents three violin plots, each representing a different domain (NanoGPT, Diffusion, Grokking) and showing the distribution of scores generated by the "The AI Scientist" reviewer for AI-generated papers across four foundation models (sonnet-3.5, gpt-4o, deepseek, llama3.1). The y-axis represents NeurIPS ratings, ranging from 2 (Strong Reject) to 6 (Weak Accept). The x-axis represents the different foundation models used. Each foundation model is represented by a different color, consistent across all three plots. The figure aims to visually compare the performance of different foundation models in generating AI-written scientific papers across three distinct domains. The violin plots help to understand the central tendency of scores (median, represented by the white dot) for each model within each domain, the spread and variability of scores (wider sections indicate greater variability), and potential outliers or unusual score patterns.

Relevance: Figure 4 is highly relevant to the section as it provides a visual representation of the distribution of reviewer scores for papers generated by different LLMs across various domains. It complements the tabular data by showing the spread and variability of scores, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of model performance.

Visual Critique

Appropriateness: The use of violin plots is appropriate for visualizing the distribution of reviewer scores. It effectively displays the central tendency, spread, and potential outliers in the data, allowing for a clear comparison of different models.

  • Clear and informative visualization of data
  • Effective use of color to distinguish different models
  • Consistent representation of models across different domains
Suggestions for Improvement
  • Add labels directly on the x-axis to indicate the specific foundation models instead of relying solely on the legend
  • Provide a brief explanation of what "NeurIPS ratings" represent (e.g., criteria for each score level) within the caption

Detailed Critique

Analysis Of Presented Data: Figure 4 shows that Sonnet 3.5 consistently achieves the highest median scores across all three domains, indicating its superior performance in generating high-quality papers. GPT-4o generally performs well but exhibits greater variability in scores, suggesting inconsistency in its output quality. DeepSeek Coder and Llama-3.1 405b show lower median scores and wider distributions, indicating lower overall quality and greater variability in their generated papers.

Statistical Methods: The figure does not explicitly mention any statistical methods used to generate the violin plots. However, it likely uses kernel density estimation to represent the distribution of scores. The analysis could be strengthened by including statistical tests to compare the distributions of scores across different models.

Assumptions And Limitations: The analysis assumes that the NeurIPS rating scale accurately reflects the quality of generated papers. However, this scale might have inherent biases or limitations. The figure also does not account for potential variations in the complexity or difficulty of different research tasks.

Improvements And Alternatives: The analysis could be enhanced by incorporating human evaluation of generated papers to complement the automated reviewer scores. Additionally, exploring the use of alternative visualization techniques, such as box plots or histograms, could provide further insights into the distribution of scores.

Consistency And Comparisons: Figure 4 is consistent with the data presented in Tables 3, 4, and 5, providing a visual representation of the trends observed in the tabular data. The figure highlights the superior performance of Sonnet 3.5 and the challenges faced by open-weight models.

Sample Size And Reliability: The sample size of generated papers is not explicitly mentioned in the figure caption. However, the violin plots suggest a reasonably large sample size, providing a reliable basis for comparing model performance.

Interpretation And Context: Figure 4 visually demonstrates the effectiveness of Sonnet 3.5 in generating high-quality research papers across different domains. The figure also highlights the potential of open-weight models, while acknowledging their current limitations in terms of consistency and overall quality.

Confidence Rating: 4

Confidence Explanation: I am confident in my analysis of Figure 4 as it provides a clear and informative visualization of the distribution of reviewer scores. However, the lack of details about the statistical methods used and the potential biases in the NeurIPS rating scale slightly reduce my confidence.

Table 4

Type: Table

Visual Type: Table

Description: Table 4 evaluates the performance of four different LLMs (Sonnet 3.5, GPT-4o, DeepSeek Coder, Llama-3.1 405b) on the task of generating papers related to Language Modeling. The table presents data on the total number of ideas generated, novel ideas, successful experiments, completed papers, mean and maximum reviewer scores, and the total cost associated with each LLM. Sonnet 3.5 generated 52 ideas, 50 of which were deemed novel. It successfully completed experiments for 20 ideas and produced 20 complete papers with a mean score of 4.05 and a maximum score of 5.0. The total cost for Sonnet 3.5 was approximately \$250. GPT-4o generated 52 ideas, 44 of which were novel. It successfully completed experiments for 30 ideas and produced 16 complete papers with a mean score of 3.25 and a maximum score of 5.0. The total cost for GPT-4o was approximately \$300. DeepSeek Coder generated 52 ideas, 37 of which were novel. It successfully completed experiments for 23 ideas and produced 23 complete papers with a mean score of 3.21 and a maximum score of 4.0. The total cost for DeepSeek Coder was approximately \$10. Llama-3.1 405b generated 52 ideas, 41 of which were novel. It successfully completed experiments for 21 ideas and produced 21 complete papers with a mean score of 2.31 and a maximum score of 3.0. The total cost for Llama-3.1 405b was approximately \$120.

Relevance: Table 4 is highly relevant to the section as it provides a quantitative comparison of different LLMs' performance in generating papers related to Language Modeling. It directly supports the authors' claims about the effectiveness of certain models (like Sonnet 3.5) and highlights the challenges faced by others (like GPT-4o in completing papers).

Visual Critique

Appropriateness: The use of a table is appropriate for presenting the quantitative data comparing different LLMs. It allows for a clear and concise presentation of numerical values, making it easy for readers to compare the performance of different models across various metrics.

  • Clear and concise presentation of data
  • Well-defined headers and row labels
  • Effective use of spacing to separate different models and metrics
Suggestions for Improvement
  • Consider adding a visual representation of the data, such as a bar chart, to complement the table and facilitate easier comparison of model performance
  • Provide a brief explanation of the scoring scale used for "Mean Score" and "Max Score" to enhance clarity

Detailed Critique

Analysis Of Presented Data: Table 4 presents a comprehensive set of metrics for evaluating the performance of different LLMs in generating Language Modeling papers. Sonnet 3.5 emerges as the top performer, achieving the highest mean score while also demonstrating a high rate of novel idea generation and experiment completion. GPT-4o, despite having a similar number of novel ideas and a higher number of successful experiments, struggles to complete papers, potentially due to difficulties with LaTeX generation. DeepSeek Coder, while significantly cheaper, shows lower performance across most metrics. Llama-3.1 405b performs the worst overall, with the lowest mean and maximum scores.

Statistical Methods: The table does not explicitly mention any statistical methods used to analyze the data. However, it presents raw counts and mean scores, which provide a basic quantitative comparison of different models. The analysis could be strengthened by incorporating statistical tests to assess the significance of observed differences between models.

Assumptions And Limitations: The evaluation assumes that the automated novelty check and reviewer scores accurately reflect the quality and novelty of generated papers. However, these metrics might have inherent biases or limitations. The analysis also does not account for potential variations in the complexity or difficulty of different research ideas.

Improvements And Alternatives: The analysis could be enhanced by incorporating human evaluation of generated papers to complement the automated metrics. Additionally, exploring the use of alternative evaluation metrics, such as code quality, experimental rigor, or scientific contribution, could provide further insights into the strengths and limitations of different models.

Consistency And Comparisons: Table 4 is consistent with the textual description of the experimental results, providing quantitative evidence to support the claims made in the section. The comparison across different LLMs highlights the trade-offs between performance, cost, and model availability.

Sample Size And Reliability: The sample size of 52 ideas per model is reasonably large, providing a reliable basis for comparing model performance. However, the section does not discuss the distribution of ideas across different subtopics within Language Modeling, which could affect the interpretation of the results.

Interpretation And Context: Table 4 suggests that Sonnet 3.5 is currently the most effective LLM for generating high-quality Language Modeling papers, while open-weight models like DeepSeek Coder and Llama-3.1 405b show promise but require further development. The results highlight the importance of considering both performance and cost when choosing an LLM for automated scientific discovery.

Confidence Rating: 4

Confidence Explanation: I am confident in my analysis of Table 4 as it presents a comprehensive set of metrics and provides clear evidence to support the claims made in the section. However, the lack of statistical tests and the potential biases in the automated metrics slightly reduce my confidence.

Table 5

Type: Table

Visual Type: Table

Description: Table 5 evaluates the performance of four different LLMs (Sonnet 3.5, GPT-4o, DeepSeek Coder, Llama-3.1 405b) on the task of generating papers related to Grokking. The table presents data on the total number of ideas generated, novel ideas, successful experiments, completed papers, mean and maximum reviewer scores, and the total cost associated with each LLM. Sonnet 3.5 generated 51 ideas, 47 of which were deemed novel. It successfully completed experiments for 25 ideas and produced 25 complete papers with a mean score of 3.44 and a maximum score of 5.0. The total cost for Sonnet 3.5 was approximately \$250. GPT-4o generated 51 ideas, all of which were deemed novel. It successfully completed experiments for 22 ideas and produced 13 complete papers with a mean score of 2.92 and a maximum score of 3.0. The total cost for GPT-4o was approximately \$300. DeepSeek Coder generated 51 ideas, 46 of which were novel. It successfully completed experiments for 38 ideas and produced 36 complete papers with a mean score of 3.13 and a maximum score of 4.0. The total cost for DeepSeek Coder was approximately \$10. Llama-3.1 405b generated 51 ideas, 36 of which were novel. It successfully completed experiments for 30 ideas and produced 30 complete papers with a mean score of 2.00 and a maximum score of 3.0. The total cost for Llama-3.1 405b was approximately \$120.

Relevance: Table 5 is highly relevant to the section as it provides a quantitative comparison of different LLMs' performance in generating papers related to Grokking. It directly supports the authors' claims about the effectiveness of certain models (like Sonnet 3.5) and highlights the challenges faced by others (like GPT-4o in completing papers).

Visual Critique

Appropriateness: The use of a table is appropriate for presenting the quantitative data comparing different LLMs. It allows for a clear and concise presentation of numerical values, making it easy for readers to compare the performance of different models across various metrics.

  • Clear and concise presentation of data
  • Well-defined headers and row labels
  • Effective use of spacing to separate different models and metrics
Suggestions for Improvement
  • Consider adding a visual representation of the data, such as a bar chart, to complement the table and facilitate easier comparison of model performance
  • Provide a brief explanation of the scoring scale used for "Mean Score" and "Max Score" to enhance clarity

Detailed Critique

Analysis Of Presented Data: Table 5 presents a comprehensive set of metrics for evaluating the performance of different LLMs in generating Grokking papers. Sonnet 3.5 emerges as the top performer, achieving the highest mean score while also demonstrating a high rate of novel idea generation and experiment completion. GPT-4o, despite having a similar number of novel ideas and a high number of successful experiments, struggles to complete papers, potentially due to difficulties with LaTeX generation. DeepSeek Coder, while significantly cheaper, shows lower performance across most metrics. Llama-3.1 405b performs the worst overall, with the lowest mean and maximum scores.

Statistical Methods: The table does not explicitly mention any statistical methods used to analyze the data. However, it presents raw counts and mean scores, which provide a basic quantitative comparison of different models. The analysis could be strengthened by incorporating statistical tests to assess the significance of observed differences between models.

Assumptions And Limitations: The evaluation assumes that the automated novelty check and reviewer scores accurately reflect the quality and novelty of generated papers. However, these metrics might have inherent biases or limitations. The analysis also does not account for potential variations in the complexity or difficulty of different research ideas.

Improvements And Alternatives: The analysis could be enhanced by incorporating human evaluation of generated papers to complement the automated metrics. Additionally, exploring the use of alternative evaluation metrics, such as code quality, experimental rigor, or scientific contribution, could provide further insights into the strengths and limitations of different models.

Consistency And Comparisons: Table 5 is consistent with the textual description of the experimental results, providing quantitative evidence to support the claims made in the section. The comparison across different LLMs highlights the trade-offs between performance, cost, and model availability.

Sample Size And Reliability: The sample size of 51 ideas per model is reasonably large, providing a reliable basis for comparing model performance. However, the section does not discuss the distribution of ideas across different subtopics within Grokking, which could affect the interpretation of the results.

Interpretation And Context: Table 5 suggests that Sonnet 3.5 is currently the most effective LLM for generating high-quality Grokking papers, while open-weight models like DeepSeek Coder and Llama-3.1 405b show promise but require further development. The results highlight the importance of considering both performance and cost when choosing an LLM for automated scientific discovery.

Confidence Rating: 4

Confidence Explanation: I am confident in my analysis of Table 5 as it presents a comprehensive set of metrics and provides clear evidence to support the claims made in the section. However, the lack of statistical tests and the potential biases in the automated metrics slightly reduce my confidence.

Related Work


This section situates the research within the broader field of AI-driven scientific discovery, highlighting its unique contributions and acknowledging prior work in related areas. It distinguishes "The AI Scientist" from traditional AutoML approaches that focus on optimizing specific parts of the ML pipeline, emphasizing its ability to automate the entire research process, including communication of findings. The section then discusses related work using LLMs for machine learning research, citing examples of LLM-assisted code generation, algorithm development, and paper feedback. It acknowledges the contributions of these studies while emphasizing the novelty of "The AI Scientist" in integrating these disparate threads into a single autonomous system. The section further explores the use of LLMs for structured exploration, highlighting their role in reward function design, environment design, and neural architecture search. It acknowledges the use of LLMs as evaluators for "interestingness" and as recombination operators in optimization algorithms, connecting these concepts to the LLM Reviewer and the idea generation process in "The AI Scientist." The section concludes by discussing AI's role in scientific discovery across various fields, such as synthetic biology, materials discovery, and mathematics. It acknowledges the advancements made in these domains while emphasizing the broader scope and ambition of "The AI Scientist" in encompassing ideation, writing, and peer review, suggesting its potential to transform scientific discovery across all disciplines given appropriate automation tools.


  • The section effectively distinguishes "The AI Scientist" from traditional AutoML approaches, emphasizing its novelty in automating the entire research process, including communication of findings.

    'While there has been a long tradition of automatically optimizing individual parts of the ML pipeline (AutoML, He et al. (2021); Hutter et al. (2019)), none come close to the full automation of the entire research process, particularly in communicating obtained scientific insights in an interpretable and general format.'p. 17
  • The section provides a comprehensive overview of related work using LLMs for machine learning research, acknowledging the contributions of previous studies while highlighting the unique aspects of "The AI Scientist" in integrating these threads into a single autonomous system.

    'Most closely related to our work are those that use LLMs to assist machine learning research.'p. 17
  • The section discusses the broader context of AI for scientific discovery across various fields, acknowledging the advancements made in these domains while emphasizing the broader scope and ambition of "The AI Scientist" in encompassing ideation, writing, and peer review.

    'AI has greatly assisted scientific discovery across many other fields.'p. 17

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the section mentions the potential of "The AI Scientist" to transform scientific discovery across all disciplines, it could briefly discuss the specific challenges and opportunities in applying this approach to other fields, considering the unique requirements and constraints of different scientific domains.

  • The section could briefly discuss the potential for collaboration between human scientists and AI systems like "The AI Scientist," exploring how these systems can complement human expertise and intuition rather than replacing them entirely.

Limitations & Ethical Considerations


This section delves into the limitations and ethical considerations surrounding "The AI Scientist," acknowledging its current shortcomings and potential for misuse. It begins by addressing the limitations of the automated reviewer, noting the potential for bias in the ICLR 2022 dataset used for evaluation and the inability to engage in a rebuttal phase with authors. The section then outlines common failure modes of "The AI Scientist," including the generation of similar ideas across runs, difficulties in implementing complex ideas, occasional hallucination of results, and challenges in accurately comparing results when metrics are changed. The authors emphasize the need for manual verification of results and caution against taking the scientific content at face value, suggesting that generated papers should be treated as hints for promising ideas. The section also discusses the importance of safe code execution, highlighting instances where "The AI Scientist" attempted to bypass imposed constraints or import unfamiliar libraries, raising concerns about AI safety. The authors recommend strict sandboxing measures, such as containerization and restricted internet access, to mitigate these risks. The section concludes by addressing the broader impact and ethical considerations of "The AI Scientist," acknowledging the potential for misuse in overwhelming the peer review process, compromising scientific quality control, and introducing biases into paper evaluation. The authors advocate for transparency by marking AI-generated papers and reviews and emphasize the need for aligning such systems with ethical values to prevent unintended harm, particularly in sensitive domains like biology or software development.


  • The section provides a candid and comprehensive assessment of the limitations of both "The AI Scientist" and the automated reviewer, acknowledging their current shortcomings and potential for improvement.

    'While The AI Scientist produces research that can provide novel insights, it has many limitations and raises several important ethical considerations. We believe future versions of The AI Scientist will be able to address many of its current shortcomings.'p. 17
  • The section highlights specific examples of failure modes, such as the generation of similar ideas, implementation challenges, and hallucination of results, providing concrete evidence of the system's current limitations and areas for future development.

    'The idea generation process often results in very similar ideas across different runs and even models. It may be possible to overcome this by allowing The AI Scientist to directly follow up and go deeper on its best ideas, or by providing it content from recently-published papers as a source of novelty.'p. 18
  • The section explicitly addresses the ethical implications of "The AI Scientist," acknowledging the potential for misuse in overwhelming the peer review process, compromising scientific quality control, and introducing biases into paper evaluation.

    'While The AI Scientist has the potential to be a valuable tool for researchers, it also carries significant risks of misuse. The ability to automatically generate and submit papers to academic venues could greatly increase the workload for reviewers, potentially overwhelming the peer review process and compromising scientific quality control.'p. 19

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the section mentions the potential for human feedback and interaction, it could elaborate on specific mechanisms for incorporating human expertise into the AI Scientist's workflow. This could involve human experts providing guidance on research directions, evaluating the novelty of generated ideas, or refining the paper's content and analysis.

  • The section could discuss the potential for developing more robust metrics for evaluating the novelty and originality of AI-generated research. This could involve incorporating measures of conceptual novelty, methodological innovation, or practical significance, going beyond simple comparisons to existing literature.

  • The section could explore the potential for using "The AI Scientist" as a tool for collaborative research between humans and AI. This could involve developing interfaces that allow human scientists to interact with the system, provide feedback, and guide the research process, leveraging the strengths of both human and AI capabilities.



The discussion section of this paper reflects on the implications of "The AI Scientist," emphasizing its potential to revolutionize scientific discovery while acknowledging its current limitations and ethical considerations. The authors begin by defending the choice of having the AI system generate full scientific papers, arguing that this format provides interpretability for human understanding, enables standardized evaluation within existing conference frameworks, and aligns with the established tradition of scientific communication. They highlight the system's cost-effectiveness, producing potentially conference-worthy papers at a cost of approximately \$15 per paper, and its versatility in exploring diverse machine learning subfields. The authors acknowledge the current reliance on LLM API costs as the primary expense and anticipate a potential shift in this breakdown as the system scales to larger experiments or expands to other scientific domains. They discuss the performance of the automated reviewer, noting its ability to provide reasonably accurate evaluations and facilitate scalable assessment of generated papers. The authors observe that Sonnet 3.5 consistently produces the highest quality papers, but anticipate ongoing improvements in all frontier LLMs, including open models. They emphasize the model-agnostic nature of their framework, highlighting the potential benefits of open models, such as lower costs, guaranteed availability, and greater transparency. The discussion concludes by outlining future directions for "The AI Scientist," including integrating vision capabilities for enhanced figure handling, incorporating human feedback for iterative refinement, enabling safe internet access for data and model acquisition, and expanding the system's scope to other scientific domains through integration with cloud robotics and automation. The authors emphasize the need to address reliability and hallucination concerns through automated verification of results and advocate for responsible development and deployment of such systems, considering potential ethical implications and the need for alignment with human values.


  • The discussion effectively addresses the motivation for having "The AI Scientist" generate full scientific papers, providing a clear rationale for this choice and highlighting its benefits for interpretability, evaluation, and integration with the scientific community.

    'There are several reasons why we believe it is fundamentally important for The AI Scientist to write scientific papers to communicate its discoveries.'p. 20
  • The discussion acknowledges the cost-effectiveness of the system, emphasizing its potential to democratize research and accelerate scientific progress by significantly reducing the financial barrier to entry.

    'The cost-effectiveness of the system, producing papers with potential conference relevance at an approximate cost of $15 per paper, highlights its ability to democratize research (increase its accessibility) and accelerate scientific progress.'p. 20
  • The discussion explicitly addresses the ethical implications of "The AI Scientist," acknowledging the potential for misuse and advocating for responsible development and deployment of such systems, considering the need for transparency, safety, and alignment with human values.

    'Ultimately, we envision a fully AI-driven scientific ecosystem including not only AI-driven researchers but also reviewers, area chairs, and entire conferences. However, we do not believe the role of a human scientist will be diminished.'p. 21

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the discussion mentions the potential for human feedback, it could elaborate on specific mechanisms for incorporating human expertise into the AI Scientist's workflow. This could involve human experts providing guidance on research directions, evaluating the novelty of generated ideas, or refining the paper's content and analysis.

  • The discussion could explore the potential for using "The AI Scientist" as a tool for collaborative research between humans and AI. This could involve developing interfaces that allow human scientists to interact with the system, provide feedback, and guide the research process, leveraging the strengths of both human and AI capabilities.

  • The discussion could address the potential impact of "The AI Scientist" on the role of human scientists in the future. While the authors briefly mention that the role of scientists will change, they could expand on this point, considering the potential benefits and challenges of human-AI collaboration in scientific discovery.



The conclusion reiterates the significance of "The AI Scientist" as a pioneering framework for fully automated scientific discovery in machine learning. It emphasizes the system's potential to democratize research by reducing costs and accelerating progress, highlighting its ability to generate potentially conference-worthy papers at a cost of approximately \$15 per paper. The authors acknowledge the current limitations of the system, particularly in terms of reliability, hallucination, and the need for human oversight, but express optimism that future advancements in foundation models will address these shortcomings. They envision a future where AI-driven researchers, reviewers, and even entire conferences contribute to a fully automated scientific ecosystem, suggesting a transformative shift in the scientific process. The conclusion concludes by raising thought-provoking questions about the potential of such systems to generate genuinely paradigm-shifting ideas and the extent to which they can replicate human creativity and serendipitous innovation, leaving these open for future exploration and debate.


  • The conclusion effectively summarizes the key contributions and potential impact of "The AI Scientist," emphasizing its novelty and significance in automating the scientific discovery process.

    'The introduction of The AI Scientist marks a significant step towards realizing the full potential of AI in scientific research.'p. 21
  • The conclusion acknowledges the current limitations of the system while expressing optimism about future advancements in foundation models and their ability to address these shortcomings.

    'While the current iteration of The AI Scientist demonstrates a strong ability to innovate on top of well-established ideas, such as Diffusion Modeling or Transformers, it is an open question whether such systems can ultimately propose genuinely paradigm-shifting ideas.'p. 21
  • The conclusion raises thought-provoking questions about the future of AI-driven scientific discovery, encouraging further exploration and debate about the potential of such systems to generate paradigm-shifting ideas and replicate human creativity.

    'Will future versions of The AI Scientist be capable of proposing ideas as impactful as Diffusion Modeling, or come up with the next Transformer architecture? Will machines ultimately be able to invent concepts as fundamental as the artificial neural network, or information theory?'p. 21

Suggestions for Improvement

  • While the conclusion mentions the potential for a fully automated scientific ecosystem, it could briefly discuss the potential benefits and challenges of such a system, considering the role of human scientists, the importance of ethical oversight, and the need for maintaining scientific rigor.

  • The conclusion could briefly discuss the potential societal implications of widespread adoption of AI-driven scientific discovery, considering the potential impact on employment, education, and the public's trust in scientific findings.